About Us

'' HOPE FOR THE HOPELESS MINISTRIES '' Teaching the Word of God with simplicity and understanding is the goal of REV ANDREW BOBOR. We believe the Bible is the written and inspired Word of God. Their mission is to invoke change in the lives of people across the globe. Further, their desire and vision is for all to hear the Word and gain understanding of God's love and promises. With this global vision, REV ANDREW BOBOR  (HFH) functions as the helm outreach for HOPE FOR THE HOPELESS MINISTRIES
With its foundation rooted on the infallible Word of God, PROMISE FAITH CHURCH  endeavors to see changes in the lives of individuals, families, and ministries around the world. (PFCI)  vision and mission of spreading the Gospel is far-reaching. The dynamic Changing World (ORPHANS CHILDREN AND WIDOWS)    reaches nearly  5 hundred  homes around the Sierra Leone , impacting the lives of many.
HOPE FOR THE HOPELESS MINISTRIES : Is a corporate ministry organization exclusively for spiritual, physical and social purposes, The ministries call is Matthew 28:19-20
James 1:27 and Mathew 25:32-45. HOPE FOR THE HOPELESS MINISTRIES :  is the friend of the needy and less privilege  for life.
HOPE FOR THE HOPELESS MINISTRIES : our mission is to develop '' disciple making, kingdom focused churches or ministries'' equipping local Pastors / overseers and the churches or ministries they lead, through networking with the word, power and with resources needed for the harvest. Matt. 28:19-20.
HOPE FOR THE HOPELESS MINISTRIES : Our  ultimate mission is to bring the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the unsaved, unreached people in our local villages, cities, our states, our nations and to the whole world. Ps. 2:8, Matt. 9:37-38, Acts 1:8
HOPE FOR THE HOPELESS MINISTRIES primary assignment is to grow local churches with a kingdom perspective; Networking together in crusade, conference and revivals under the headship of our Lord Jesus and making the kingdom of God their priority. Matt. 6:33
We therefore urge you to be a part of this global harvesters and be a blessing to your generation as you stay blessed forever.